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How to tune up an Instagram feed

100 million photos and videos are uploaded to Instagram every day. How not to get lost in that amount, set the visual of the feed and get new followers? Let´s read our instagram feed guide! These 7 tips will help you with that! In addition, at the end of the article you can look forward to the 3 best instagram feed planners

Originally, "insta" was shared on Instagram - everyday experiences, photos without major modifications uploaded directly from a mobile phone. Take a photo - upload it - add hashtag.

Today, Instagram works differently and becomes an essential element of self-presentation. Even if you apply for a job interview, the potential employer will probably check your profile at the IG too. It is also perfectly normal for some people to include a link to their IG as a portfolio of their work. So how can you fine-tune a feed to perfection?

1. Personal or company's profile?

Let's start by clarifying the crucial thing - you need to have a separate private and work profile if you want to present both worlds online. In addition, it is good to clarify what you will share on the profile (at least the working one) so that it is clearly recognizable and coherent - stick to the topic you have determined at the beginning.

instagram feed examples - Personal profile

For a simple reason - you want to share completely different things on your personal page and it should look completely different from the professional one, which is supposed to impress clients. If you have more than one job at a time, it pays to create an instagram for each solo - don't combine them into one instagram account. For example, making your own jewelry and taking photos of newborns - those activities are completely different and it might not look good for the customer.

instagram feed examples - Company's profile

2. Choose your layout

Choose one instagram feed layout and stick to it. This will make design of your feed and the organized look will work well for the fans! At the beginning, decide whether you want the photos to be interspersed with texts, or your profile will be only photographic. Even with the photo format, you can win, don't worry! So what are the basic layout options?

Feed layout ideas with texts:

  • Zigzag - always share one photo and then one image of the text
  • Lines - always insert 3 photos and then 3 images with written text.
  • Columns - you probably already figured out that the first and third columns belong to the photos and there is a strip of texts in the middle (or vice versa)
instagram feed inspiration

I only want photos:

  • Experiment with formats - how about using only a square format each time, or sticking to a round one?
  • Rectangles flick - frame template photos in the editor on two sides in white so the photos will look in the feed as portrait or landscape orientated (as standard formats)
  • Puzzle - don't be afraid to use one photo, which you will divide into several posts
  • Frames and Drawings - Add imaginative frames to your photos and stand out from the crowd
  • À la notice board - it requires more work here! Create an imaginary pinboard, divide it into individual squares (pictures) and then upload them
  • Color tones - get obsessed by colors and use the same color-tuned photos in one or two lines, then switch to another color
  • Rainbow - match each line to a certain color, the next one will have a different color (white, yellow, orange, red ... you know how rainbow) works
  • Panorama - use photos across the entire width of the feed (one photo divided into 3 posts) to make it special
instagram feed themes

3. Filter is the key

Do you want to have feed like a pro? Color filters will give a specific mood to your profile. To make everything look uniform, it's a good idea to choose only one and in advance - do you want to have photos in warm or cold shades? Do you like crazy colors or rather monochromatic tones?

Choose a photo editing application and a specific filter to apply on all photos. Easy and functional!

Find TOP 16 FREE photo editors

4. Take photos in daylight

If you are a pro and can work with flash or studio (artificial) lighting, feel free to skip this point.

Especially for newcomers and those who take photos with the phone, it is true that photos taken in daylight are much more detailed and often also the colours are more like in real (undistorted by possible shades of light bulbs). In addition, the natural style of photos is now a trend.

How does it look like when a pro takes pictures with flash and in artificial lights?

If you decide to take pictures in the light of light bulbs, stick to it with all the posts, so that they will match together.

5. Plan your feed carefully

Did you start with instagram without having clarified the things mentioned above? Nothing is lost. If you do not want to delete the photos, their archiving will help you. While putting them into archive they will still remain all the comments and likes, but they wont be visible on the IG feed. 

The photos must look good itself but also next to each other. Create a story and have a flow.

  • Mix photos of wholes and details
  • Put the same colored photos in one row or mix them with the other colored ones
  • Change the topics frequently to make the feed flow

Applications in which you can test individual photos appearance side by side before uploading will help you with planning.

instagram feed vs stories

6. Help yourself with app

Nearly nobody can do it on his/her own, and even IG professionals use a variety of applications to know in advance what their feed will look like. What applications should you not miss?


The instagram feed creator is mainly used by influencers, bloggers and fashion brands. It has many features for labeling products in posts. It is also the oldest app for planning instagram stories and feeds, and is one of Instagram's official partners.

Free for one account

Possibility to use Shoplinks, analytics and manage multiple accounts for an additional fee

  • Easy operation
  • The application will notify you at the specified time and you share the pre-prepared post (it posts automatically in paid version)
  • Drag & drop control
  • Upload up to 10 photos at once
  • Ability to search and repost posts
  • Can mark location and other IG accounts
  • Sends a preview of the feed by email
  • Can plan and edit stories
  • Calendar with posts and their results

Download for Android

Download for iOS


Simple instagram feed organiser for those who want a nice feed but don't have business ambitions. It offers basic functions, including editing photos and displaying an overview of scheduled posts. The advantage is its visual purity and easy use.

Free - limited number of posts and statistics, only 2 filters

For an additional fee, the possibility of reposts, unlimited number of posts, statistics for hashtags

  • Unlimited number of shared photos
  • Drag & drop control
  • Possibility of hashtag management
  • Posts statistics
  • also as desktop instagram feed planner
  • Unconventional filters that IG does not offer
  • Ability to manage IG in multiple application users
  • The application does not log you out of IG and is always ready for action
  • You have to post manually, the paid version does it automatically at the selected day and time
  • You can try what the feed would look like after deleting some photos

Download for Android

Download for iOS

Adobe Spark Post

Design application that allows you to animate texts in photos. With this app you will become a professional graphic artist in an moment!

Paid application within Adobe Creative Cloud or separately

  • Converts photos into 4s stories video
  • Possibility to select a background image
  • Thousands of professional templates
  • Possibility to insert your own logo
  • Custom fonts and colors
  • Design filters
  • Automatic filters for posts
  • Work with layers
  • Can remove background from photos
  • Contains a database of background photos for free

Download for Android

Download for iOS

Looking for Instagram downloader? We know, how to download instagram protos, videos, carrousel, reels and so one! Read the article How To Download Pics and Videos From Instagram

7. Share your posts frequently

Teach your followers and fans to look forward to your new post twice a week, for example. It will also force you to work on yourself and your Instagram constantly.

If you have regular responses (likes and comments) from your followers, there is a high chance that your posts will appear to them as one of the first. And the same goes for stories.

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